About me

Hello, and welcome to my website. I’m Viktor Ivanovski, an animator originally from North Macedonia who now resides in Canada.

Since a young age, I’ve been passionate about animation, a passion which led me to attend Sheridan College in Canada where I graduated in 2020.

I love all types of animation ranging from anime to the North American Classics along with the European indie productions. What I find most fascinating is moving and impactful stories about characters I can deeply relate to.

What I also find really fascinating is the animation process from a technical point of view. Because what I enjoy most is creating shorts and original stories, I’ve been especially interested in fast-emerging tools that make producing production quality animated films a lot more feasible for smaller and smaller teams. With this in mind, during the past few years, I’ve constantly been challenging myself to create more and more polished works through attaining a better understanding of the different parts of the animation pipeline.

My hope for the future is that I can help create gripping stories and pieces of animated film that might inspire others the way my favorite pieces of animation have inspired me and taught me valuable lessons that I cherish to this day.
